Monday, March 23, 2009

A Quick Catch Up

Hello everyone,
It has been quite some time since I have written to you.

A number of things:
1. I'd like to be losing a bit of weight so trying to do less cooking and more exercise.
2. As some of you may know we have purchased some land to start a small farm.
You can keep tabs on us here.

I have taken my next step in my food obsession and I'm going to grow my own and grow some so that you too can eat real, free range food, as nature intended. We will build a commercial kitchen so I can use my own fruits, vegetables and herbs to make some interesting products, as well as process the pork from the pigs we plan to free range.

I will be blogging some recipes here in the next few days.
I am starting The Big Banana Bread Bake Off.

A discussion about the perfect banana bread prompted a look through my cook books to discover over 50 recipes for banana bread. I have selected 12 as representing most styles. I will bake each recipe as it is published, taste it, comment, toast it the next morning, comment and then freeze some and invite some friends over for a taste test comparison. Then we should be able to find the Perfect Banana Bread.
Stay tuned.

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